【面試機會就得翻咁多個,拎唔拎到Offer就睇你⋯⋯同以下呢個S&T面試問題列表啦!】今年Internship / Grad Job Markets嘅表現比預期更差😩甚至連上年Offers出到唔停嘅Global Markets Team,今年都水靜鵝飛!HKCareers💡眼見,有好多本身Profile超靚,如果放係過去3個招聘季度,都肯定可以拎到超過3-4個BB Bank Offers嘅同學,今年都只係收到少於5個面試⋯⋯個情況就係嚴峻到咁!即係話,每位同學都收少咗面試,每個面試機會變得更加重要,Pass唔到一個面試可能就直接=今年無Offer🥺!所以,HKCareers💡就特登整理咗Markets Team【今年最新】嘅面試問題列表,包括曬:
✅Technical Qs
✅Market Qs:
✅Motivational and Fit Qs
咁Markets Team會問嘅問題,都不外乎以下3類!HKCareers就特意整理咗不同投行/銀行,今年實際嘅面試問題:
✅Technical Qs
1️⃣Do you know the responsibility of a Trader?
2️⃣How can a Trader effectively manage risk?
3️⃣Trade idea (Barclays S&T)
4️⃣What is the ETF trading process? (Jane Street S&T)
5️⃣ What is ETF creation & redemption? (Jane Street S&T)
✅Market Qs:
係Markets views方面,今年Interest rate hike 、ESG同Outbreak of war都可以話係大熱題!其他問題仲包括:
6️⃣The impact of the Israel Palestine war on global markets ( CACIB Global Markets嘅Group Discussion Topic:)
7️⃣Current FX rate for SGDKRW or other currency (Citi Markets)
8️⃣What’s the level of S&P 500 right now? (Goldman Sachs S&T)
9️⃣How is your outlook for oil price? (Goldman Sachs FICC & Equities)
🔟Market news sharing (JPM Markets)
✅Motivational and Fit Qs
1️⃣1️⃣Do you want to be a Trader or a Sales?
1️⃣2️⃣ Why FICC? (CICC FICC Structured Product Sales)
1️⃣3️⃣Why markets? (HSBC Markets)
1️⃣4️⃣What is your career aspiration? (HSBC Markets)
1️⃣5️⃣How did you equip yourself for Global Markets?(BNP Paribas)
1️⃣6️⃣The client requested urgent trade, but the trader is currently busy with other stuff. How would you manage the situation? (Jane Street S&T)
所有報咗Markets Team,或者之後對投行S&T有興趣嘅同學就一定要Save低呢條最新嘅Interview List啦!只要你跟住去Prep曬呢16條問題,無論你去做邊間投行S&T嘅面試,HKCareers都包你受用無窮!
其實呢,HKCareers都好明白,今年嘅Job Markets咁差,同學真係好無辜。好多時候,未必係我哋唔夠努力,或者唔夠叻,而係當個Market唔好,好多事情根本唔係我哋嘅控制之內🥺但唔好咁Sad住,正如每一次Market出現變化/轉差之時,HKCareers都會講嘅:【只有能夠首先適應,轉危為機嘅同學,就可以成為下一輪嘅贏家】!而係呢條搵工路上,HKCareers一定會繼續陪住你😉!除咗好似今日呢個分享各大投行S&T熱門面試題目嘅實用文外,之後幾個Post,我哋會繼續分享更多Plan B,話你知點樣係呢個咁差嘅Market入面搵到一條好嘅出路!
想知有咩可以做?記住Follow @hkcareers 啦💡!