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Point72同Blackstone 2025 Openings已出!究竟要幾早報工?!

【爆🔥| Point72同Blackstone出咗2025 Openigns!】廢話唔多講,直入正題:2025頭兩間 IB-Level Internship已出!就係你已經Hea住準備放新年假嘅同時,Point72同Blackstone就決定殺你一個措手不及,推出2024/25 Recruitment Season頭兩份Openings,仲要包括埋Front Office!其實Point72 同 Blackstone一直都好鍾意早早出Openings,上年嘅紀錄就係4月出Job Ad(都已經好早啦!)估唔到佢哋今年可以去到咁盡,2月就打響招聘季頭炮(小編嚴重懷疑,唔只同學你同我嚇親,連其他投行或大型Asset Man公司嘅HR都睇到呆咗😂)!想知Point72同Blackstone開咗咩部門?報名Links係邊到?咁你就一定要快啲俾個♥️再睇落去!


🔥Point72同Blackstone出咗邊啲2025 Openings?


無錯,你無睇錯,係所有精英同學都會有興趣嘅Investment Analyst!講明係2025 Internship,今次呢份Intern目標係請預計於2025年12月至 2026年7月畢業嘅同學,由2025年6月至8月,進行為期8個星期嘅實習!實際嘅工作及訓練內容包括:

✅Acquire fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to contribute as an analyst, alongside your peers

✅Receive training in accounting, modeling, presenting, and compliance.

✅Collaborate with an investment team, gaining firsthand experience of the daily life of an equities analyst and exposure to one of the sectors covered by our Portfolio Managers.

✅Work closely with Academy coaches, delving deeper into data analysis and preparing a final pitch on an investment idea



Blackstone就更加無同你客氣,一出就出咗4個2025 Summer位:



✅ Blackstone比Point72更加大方,同學只要預計係2025年9月到2026年6月期間畢業,都可以報名!但有一個條款比較特別,就係如果你讀緊Master,想報都得,但FT工作唔可以多於一年!



為咗方便同學立即睇到Point72 及 Blackstone詳細嘅Job Ad,IBC已經將以上5個Openings加咗係Bio及Story Highlights!你當然要分享埋俾身邊嘅朋友,話佢知呢個大癲嘅消息!


最後,#ibankcoaching 之後仲會分享更多面試貼士,幫你準備好呢兩間公司嘅申請,同繼續為你留意住所有重要IB Openings,如果你都想要快人一步收到風,咁就記得 Follow @IBANKCOACHING


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