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Management Consulting面試 2024/25年必Prep嘅MBB Interview Source!

【想入Management Consulting,一定要準備呢8類面試題目?】除咗投行及銀行,Consulting及Advisory一直都係好多大學生嚮往嘅行業。當中有唔少Consultant嘅起薪,早就高過25K (如果對於你來說,Fresh Grad能唔能夠拎到25K依然係一個疑問)。而Consulting,特別係Management Consulting嘅面試絕對唔會易過投行!今日HKCareers💡就整理咗8類絕密Consulting面試題目,包括Case Topic,將會對你2024/25嘅Applications帶來關鍵影響,想知有咩問題?俾個♥️再睇落去啦!


💡Management Consulting最常問面試題目:

Case!Case!Case!除咗不同Motivational and Fit Questions外,Consulting最常做嘅一定係Individual Case Study/ Case Discussion。如果你對Case認識不深,根本就無可能過到Consulting Firms面試!HKCareers就特意整理咗不同咨詢公司,新近嘅面試問題:

✅Motivational and Fit Qs

✅Behavioural Qs

✅最最重要嘅Case Analysis!


✅Motivational and Fit Qs:

▶️Why Mckinsey? (Mckinsey; 2024)

▶️Why Bain & Co over McKinsey or BCG? (Bain; 2024)

▶️Why Consulting? (Bain; 2024)


✅Behavioural Qs

▶️Describe a difficult challenge and let us know how to improve after the challenge.(Mckinsey; 2024)

▶️What is your biggest challenge? (BCG; 2023)

▶️How do you handle a difficult person in a group? (Mckinsey; 2022)


✅最最重要嘅Case Analysis!

Case Analysis ——無論是個人或小組形式,通常都只有兩類

1️⃣Client Firm營運出現問題,需要你找出問題所有,提供改善方案。

▶️例子 (BCG; 2022)

A supermarket in South Africa has declining sales, try to find why and solution


2️⃣Client Firm營運極佳,需要你提供發展方向,或研究/分析新Market及業務。

▶️例子 (BCG; 2023)

A FMCG company is thinking of expanding to the Mainland.

What might be reasons for the company to expand into Mainland China, potential challenges, and enablers


💡點樣準備好做Case同報Management Consulting / Advisory?

HKCareers Coaching Program對Consulting 面試及Case Analysis提供非常全面嘅支援。除咗Banking外,我哋係過去十年,一直幫助同學殺入 Consulting 及 Advisory。想知你都可以點樣拎到Consulting Offers?

▶️立即DM我哋或到 【】報名參加 Demo及Career Advising Session,同Consultant 傾傾你2025嘅Applications!



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