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2020年尾最Hot Market Views面試問題懶人包

除住目前全球政治、經濟同社會環境愈來愈複雜,#HKCareers 發現大行同公司問嘅Market問題都愈來愈難,往年嘅Candidate可能都只係需要準備一兩單同公司或行業有關嘅重點新聞,然後就可以去面試,但今年大家係✅準備新聞題外,仲要有心理準備公司會要求你✅針對有關時事作分析,最後✅講出你市場走向嘅預測或看法。係呀,真係難左🤷‍所以HKCareers又為你整合左➡️2020年尾面試必備時事五題⬅️ 唔想辛若得來嘅面試機會就咁無左?咁就一定要睇清楚今日篇文同拎埋個懶人包!





📍點準備:Covid-19嘅疫情發展到目前其實已經就一年,同Covid有關嘅問題唔只成為面試常問題,亦多左好多不同嘅變化題☝🏾例如「If Covid-19 lasted for one more year, what would happen?」咁!所以同學係面試前一定要研究下Covid同你面試間公司有咩關係,特別係Covid-19已經Last咗咁耐,公司嘅經營同發展已經有咗好多改變,請確保你熟知公司有咩新策略實行緊!


➡️投行:JPM UK 係近期CADP嘅Final In就問左:How COVID-19 affects communication/ dynamic in a team?

➡️銀行:渣打Intern有部門去到HR In啦,而之前Banking Talent Programme Final In亦問過:What challenges do you think our team is facing under COVID-19, what are the main risks that we should put most concern on?

➡️Regulators:某間Regulator最近亦有請近MT,而佢地其中一條問題就係:Opportunities to HK financial market brought by COVID-19 and the new healthcare start-ups

➡️Conglomerates:Jardines係4月請Intern時,AC亦有問過How do you think COVID-19 is affecting Jardine’s business


McKinsey: "COVID-19: Implications for business":

PwC: "COVID-19: Impacts to business":


2️⃣美國大選 & Trade War

❓關你咩事:美國大選將會係11月3日正式完結!同學如果有睇新聞,都會日日見到Trump同Biden出現。但你又有無諗過美國大選同你報工有咩關係?會問及美國大選嘅面試似乎都集中係market-related positions。另外,唔少公司亦會問及,除左COVID-19,你可唔可以講一單影響全球嘅新聞?而美國大選就係其中一單可以用尼回答呢條問題嘅新聞!

📍點準備:美國大選係好多層面都好緊要,但對於同學報工及準備面試來說,其重要性就在於同Trade War息息相關。同學準備時可以留意下Trump同Biden各自嘅對華及貿易態度,另一個關注重點就係,如果Biden當選,Trade War仲會唔會持續落去


➡️How does the US presidential election affect the market

➡️Other than covid, what do you think could be the next “big thing”? (can be from any industry, anything under the sky.)

➡️What challenges do you think our team is facing under trade war, what are the main risks that we should put most concern on?

📚更多資料可參考:〈Will Trade Wars Persist After the US Election?〉:



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