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如何用最少力氣做好最多銀行面試? 銀行面試究竟問啲咩?2020/21 Bank MT 及Bank Internship 必習面試題目

隨住大行好似Citibank同BOC都出左Job Ad,同學除左報工之外亦係時候開始準備銀行面試。但香港叫得出名嘅Financial Institutions起碼有40+ 間,當你逐間報工之後,你將會開始收到好多面試!但個個面試都咁重要,點做準備最節省氣力?答案就係:對準目標,準備一啲真係會問嘅問題!所以今日HKCareers 就決定話你知,究竟銀行面試最鍾意問邊四大類問題,唔好再花一大堆氣力去準備一啲根本唔會問嘅問題啦!Save低完篇文,就好繼續睇落去啦!



1️⃣CV-Based and Behaviour Questions


🔺第一種就係有關於integrity同compliance嘅問題,例如 「if you receive a “red pocket” from a client with HKD1000 in it during Chinese New Year, what would you do」之類嘅問題,因為對於銀行業,integrity真係好重要(亦希望未來將會進入銀行界嘅你都要繼續努力為香港守住integrity呢條底線!)

🔺第二種就係情境題,例如「when a client phoned your team to ask about some information of products and no one else is available except you but you are new and not familiar with the process, how would you handle this situation?」,呢啲問題基本上都係想測試下你嘅判斷力或性格,咁最正確嘅答案當然係唔識嘅野唔好亂答!


2️⃣Technological-related Questions

銀行業相比於Consulting、Property and Conglomerates或FMCG等其實真係會有比較多Technical Qs!除左針對不同Divisions可能會有嘅問題外,以下例子都係近兩年好經常會見到嘅問題:

🔺What is blockchain and Open API and how can we adopt the technologies in our division?

🔺How can we digitalize our sales process and operational flow?

🔺Any innovative ideas in automating our business process?


3️⃣Market News and Trend Related Questions

Market嘅變化自然會對銀行嘅生意同業務有好大影響!所以銀行亦一定會係面試入面測試下你嘅Market Sense,例如以下三類嘅Market News你一定要準備好:

🔺How Covid-19 affect our division and our clients?

🔺How should the bank respond to and strategize based on current US-China tension

🔺Equity, FX, Bond and Commodity market trend and news



4️⃣Position Specific Questions

當然啦,由於銀行係要按不同部門去報名!佢地一定會問position specific嘅問:

🔺最基本嘅Why this division?Why this Program之類嘅問題

🔺同Division相關嘅Technical Qs,例如如果你報Corporate Bank,常見問題有「How do you conduct credit assessments on a company?」

🔺測試你對Positions熱誠,例如問「What's your plan in the coming 5 years」等!

就算你報嘅部門係你無相關經驗都好,都一定要準備好呢類Position Specific Questions,等面試官知道你唔係亂報,而真係有潛質!


睇到呢度,係咪好想再知道銀行面試仲有咩常問題例子?HKCareers有本《Guide to Ace Banking Interviews》(2020 Edition),列出左多條必習銀行面試問題!

想要嘅就(係下星期三中午前)係IG Post下面⬇️Tag 3 個同你一樣咁想入銀行嘅同學,咁就Send俾你啦!


而如果你想用最少力氣做好最多銀行面試,又點可以唔睇下HKCareers嘅Career Coaching Program 可以點幫到你?唔好猶豫啦,快Click 呢度了解更多!☺️

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