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大披露:做Banker 都有好多選擇?

銀行grad job 可以分為三大類- retail bank , commercial and corporate bank 及investment bank 。 1. Retail bank: 部份MT Program(eg. HSBC, Hang Seng) 會主力train d MT做分行既relationship manager,負責跑數,serve d 個人客戶。亦有其他銀行既retail bank MT program (eg. Standard chartered, boc, DBS, Citibank)會係headquarter 做d 比較strategic 既role, 例如product marketing team, strategic and segment team, operation team 等等。 2. Commercial and Corporate bank: 大多數MT headcount 都會係front office負責跑數。Back office 如finance, risk management 等 head count 較少 3. Investment bank: front office ( eg sales and trading, investment banking division, private equity, transactional bank, private banking ) 會比back office (finance, compliance, risk management, hr) 難入好多。一般每個department 都會有自己既program 。每個department headcount 都唔同。係度可以分享少少。trading, ipo, 呢幾年一般好少有headcount 俾fresh grad。而compliance, debt capital market, private bank 收fresh grad 就正在增加或保持穩定,每年都有收一定的人數。

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